#147 The High School Startup Making $500K!? w/ Sims Wilson and Daniel Greenberg, co-founders of ViralLEDS


June 1st, 2021

11 mins 23 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

In #147 futurists tune into a conversation with high school students and soon to be graduates Sims Wilson and Daniel Greenberg, the co-founders of ViralLEDS, a startup they founded in 2020 which produces and sells an array of in-home lighting products through social media. After Sims posted a TikTok showing how he made LED light strips for his bedroom and it went viral, he and Daniel decided to turn a hobby they learned in their AP Computer Science into a business that to date has cleared more than $500,000 in revenue, with almost 100% of their sales coming through TikTok! It's insane to see entrepreneurs building businesses out of the immense reach afforded by TikTok's platform, and Daniel and Sims share an awesome story about how they scaled and optimized the company, how Addison Rae discovered and reposted their product, how they both got into Ivy league schools (Sims is going to Cornell and Daniel is going to Brown), and their career advice to young entrepreneurs.

Go buy some ViralLEDS: https://viralleds.com/

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